Sales Contract

WHEREAS, Maurice T. or Tamra J. Lehman, hereinafter called “Seller”, is the owner of the German Shepherd Dog

Sired by Sir Von Duke    AKC #DN06497103

The dam is Liebe Vom Krukewitt     AKC #DN18336301

This German Shepherd Dog was whelped on June 14, 2012

Sex ______________      Color___________________ Litter or Registration #___________________

Name of Dog (if already registered) ____________________________________________________ 

In consideration of a purchase price and deposit detailed below, the Seller transfers all rights, privileges, and responsibilities associated with the ownership of above described Puppy/Dog to Buyer as of the date and time specified below. This agreement represents the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer. No verbal agreements will be entered into.

Date of Sale: _________________   Planned Date of Delivery/Possession:____________________

Purchase Price:____________________  Deposit:________________________

  1. The above described animal qualifies for registration with American Kennel Club (AKC).
  2. The Buyer agrees to take this Dog to a licensed veterinarian of his/her choice within 24 hours of receiving for a physical examination.
  3. The Buyer may return this Dog within 5 days for a full and complete refund if a licensed veterinarian shall provide to the Seller documentation that the above animal has been diagnosed as suffering from any disease. This health guarantee is void after 5 days.
  4. The Seller does NOT assume any liability for any injuries made to the Dog after delivery due to the negligence of the Buyer.
  5. The Deposit is nonrefundable prior to delivery of the Dog. It may, however, be refunded after the total purchase price has been paid AND if the Dog is diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian as suffering from any disease as per item #3 above.
  6. In the event this German Shepherd Dog suffers from crippling hip dysphasia, as determined by a licensed veterinarian and OFA (Orthopedic Foundation of America), said German Shepherd Dog shall be returned to the Seller for replacement with a German Shepherd Dog/Puppy of equal or greater value as determined by the Seller, or Buyer may keep the Dog and purchase a replacement Puppy of equal or greater value from the Seller for one half of the original purchase price. The crippling hip dysphasia guarantee is void two years after the date of this contract. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to understand that there is a possibility that a puppy from these parents may develop hip dysphasia because of the fact that German Shepherds all have the ability to produce occasional bad hips in their offspring. The Sire and Dam were hip certified as “Good” by the OFA. The only way to get a 100% guarantee that a dog does not have bad hips is to purchase an adult dog and have the hips x-rayed before the purchase. Puppies can develop bad hips as a result of over-feeding or over-exercising. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to keep the puppy thin throughout the first year of life. This is very important. Pups should be taken off puppy food at 4-1/2 months of age to slow the growth. Owners must keep their puppies THIN. No German Shepherd breeder can produce good hips 100% of the time, but we do our part by breeding dogs with certified hips. We expect the new owners to follow through with their part by not over-feeding or over-exercising their puppy.
  7. It is not recommended that your puppy be used for breeding. In any event, breeding is never recommended prior to 24 months of age and no dog should be bred before it is OFA certified to be sure of the hips. The Buyer agrees to not use the Dog for breeding prior to 24 months of age and only after it has been OFA certified of at least "Fair". Failure to meet these terms voids any warranty, real or implied.
  8. The Seller has done everything possible to produce healthy, sound puppies and by raising the puppies in the best way possible in regards to diet, exercise, socialization and veterinary care. All necessary vaccinations for the puppy’s age have been given and a record of this vaccination history is supplied to the Buyer at the time of sale.
  9. Temperament is determined by genetics and environment. When puppies develop temperament problems, it is usually as a result of the way they are raised. Your puppy has been well socialized and you should continue to make sure that your puppy meets as many people outside of the family, and is handled by as many people inside and outside of the family as possible.
  10. The Buyer hereby assumes ALL costs for the health and maintenance of the above German Shepherd Dog. The Seller shall not be responsible for any costs associated directly or indirectly with the above animal after the date of sale.
  11. Buyer agrees to maintain the Dog’s health in good condition, and to provide yearly examinations, vaccinations, heart worm test, and any other customary procedures necessary to assure good health.
  12. If the Dog is offered for sale at any time, or if the Buyer can no longer take care of the Dog, it is agreed that the Seller will be given first right of refusal.
  13. The Buyer agrees that he/she will not sell or transfer ownership or possession of the Puppy/Dog to any person or organization whose intent it is to resell (pet store), trade, or give away the Dog, or use it in any experiments, laboratory or otherwise, or to use it as breeding stock for a puppy mill.
  14. If the Dog is found by the Seller to be mistreated or neglected, Seller reserves the right to repossess the dog, and shall refund one-third of the purchase price.
  15. In order to receive a replacement under the terms of this Dog/Puppy Sales Contract, the Buyer shall return signed AKC papers along with the above described German Shepherd Dog (intact) to the Seller. If, however, the Buyer chooses to keep the above Dog and purchase a replacement, then the Buyer shall also keep the original AKC papers.
  16. This contract applies to the original Dog only and is non-transferable to a second party.
  17. This writing constitutes the full agreement of the parties.

WHEREFORE, the Seller and the Buyer(s) have read, understand, and agree to all terms and conditions set forth herein.

Signed_______________________________  Date _______________________________
                Maurice T. Lehman (Seller)
-          Or -
Signed_______________________________ Date________________________________
                Tamra Lehman (Seller)

Signed_______________________________ Date________________________________


Buyer’s Name (PLEASE PRINT)

Buyer’s Name (PLEASE PRINT)



Phone__________________________ E-Mail__________________________________

Maurice “Mat” and Tammy Lehman
2437 Cattle Drive
Crowley, TX  76036